Saturday, March 16, 2013

Snakehead Hunting begins -2013

The fascination on fishing freshwater fishes came in 2012 when i transferred from my previous workplace in Sabah to the island of Labuan or in England they would called this place Victoria Island. Beforehand, i was more fishing on salt water fishes back when i started fishing in 2008 but the freshwater experience really changed me and I want to share my experiences in learning and understanding these types of freshwater fishes and the one i'm more focus on now is the top predator of the fresh water fishes, the striped snakehead (Channa striata). Here are my some of my personal collections from this year - up to today I have caught and photographed 28 of my catches.
So from this count of 28 catches, I'll be continuing my collection of this unique fish this year and I'm targeting to catch 100 of striped snakeheads in different sizes and weight to be documented and shared to all who are reading my blog.

Let the fishing begin and good luck to me....Thank you GOD for giving me this opportunity to do something more worthwhile than things that are bad and are of no use to me.

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