Friday, August 1, 2014

On the First Day of August, the Snakehead said to me ......

It was Friday afternoon and I wanted to go to that nostalgic place where I had a wonderful encounter with i dunno what fish but it surely snapped my line after fighting with it for 5-7 minutes. So I went back there again hoping for some action and it didnt turn out so bad as I got one critter hooked on to my Ofmer lucky charm (which got me the Giant Snakehead the day before) but it was quite a small and I didnt to measure just to let it go ...let it go .... so that I may let it grow ...let it grow for it to become a monster catch one day.
Another strike came begging
It was small but sexy dont cha think ....

Thursday, July 31, 2014

31st July 2014 - A day to be remember

After my first catch in Kaamatan this year, i went to all of the places in Victoria to get my second catch but I seem to have no luck until that day 31st July 2014 in location X ... Snakehead Watergate Villa ( thats how i like it)
When i got the monster again some stranger came up to me saying he wants it to help his in law after having an operation, I was hesistant at first but he said he would pay it and ask me to name my price, I was moved that he really needed and I said you can have it but first ...LET ME TAKE A SELFIE with it ...hehehhehe.
With my trusty Scorpion DC and Venom II rod plus with my dusty old Ofmer minnow ...i manage to land this behemoth of a snakehead measuring 6ocm with a weight of 2 kg plus ....YEAHH!!!!!!

Snakehead (Channa Striata) License renewal

On a fine afternoon in the L corner river of Victoria where everything was breezy and the waters were quiet came along a frog swimming across the stream when suddenly SPLASH!!!!! down it goes to the abyss by the verocious Snakehead. What was thought to be end of the frog came another twist of the tale as it was to be the end of the snakehead as the frog was only a lure to fulfill the desire of a caster who wants to renew his snakehead membership license and that guy was me.
Using my Scorpion DC powered by the SureCatch rod with the help of course of my Hinomiya frog, we manage to tame this beast of the river measuring up to 46cm with a weight of somewhat 1 kg plus . As i wanted to let it go, another caster came to me and said he longs for the flesh of this snakeheads after being too long at sea and with deepest regret i said NO to the snakehead and YES to the stranger and gave him my license of a snakehead ...END...

Giant Snakehead of 2014 - 30th May 2014

After my last Giant Snakehead catch last year, i was eagerly waiting to get another one but something came up. I was told few days after the catch that my wife was pregnant and I was so happy but at the same time I was forbid to even touch my fishing gear during my wife's pregnancy (kinda of culture believe so i have to observed it). So 10 months since the last catch and here I am trying to get my Giant Snakehead mojo back and one fine day on the 30th May 2014, I finally renewed my Giant Snakehead license for the year 2014 after missing in action for more than 10 months.
 as you can see I was not aware yet that my catch had a leech attached to it but i removed the leech for my catch before I released it
So it was double happiness for me which is being a Dad and at the same time was able to renew my license for the year 2014
Wait for the next post.......