Thursday, July 31, 2014

Giant Snakehead of 2014 - 30th May 2014

After my last Giant Snakehead catch last year, i was eagerly waiting to get another one but something came up. I was told few days after the catch that my wife was pregnant and I was so happy but at the same time I was forbid to even touch my fishing gear during my wife's pregnancy (kinda of culture believe so i have to observed it). So 10 months since the last catch and here I am trying to get my Giant Snakehead mojo back and one fine day on the 30th May 2014, I finally renewed my Giant Snakehead license for the year 2014 after missing in action for more than 10 months.
 as you can see I was not aware yet that my catch had a leech attached to it but i removed the leech for my catch before I released it
So it was double happiness for me which is being a Dad and at the same time was able to renew my license for the year 2014
Wait for the next post.......

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