Thursday, July 31, 2014

31st July 2014 - A day to be remember

After my first catch in Kaamatan this year, i went to all of the places in Victoria to get my second catch but I seem to have no luck until that day 31st July 2014 in location X ... Snakehead Watergate Villa ( thats how i like it)
When i got the monster again some stranger came up to me saying he wants it to help his in law after having an operation, I was hesistant at first but he said he would pay it and ask me to name my price, I was moved that he really needed and I said you can have it but first ...LET ME TAKE A SELFIE with it ...hehehhehe.
With my trusty Scorpion DC and Venom II rod plus with my dusty old Ofmer minnow ...i manage to land this behemoth of a snakehead measuring 6ocm with a weight of 2 kg plus ....YEAHH!!!!!!

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